Monday, March 13, 2006

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Hour 1:

High school educator Vernon Dozier joins the program to discuss last nights Sopranos. Vernon says that the Sopranos does a disservice to Americans because it glorifies crime.

Hour 2:

Jeff Dowder talks about an article he read about Penguins on the Falkland Islands in "Mental Floss" magazine. Phil plays a flashback and then talks more about season 6 of The Sopranos. Phil's chiropractor saved his life today because of his bad back. Doug Danger is 97% sure that George Clooney is gay, Phil reads some e-mail.

Hour 3:

Justin McAlroy represents students at Canyon High School ands says they would rather hitchhike to school then drive some of their cars their parents have purchased for them. Justin is upset because his parents bought him a Mitsubishi Langer, and he says this is unacceptable.


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