Friday, October 21, 2005

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Hour 1:

Jim Zarkanian is on the show because he is selling beach front property in Mobile, Alabama. He wants the government to reimburse him for his losses. Callers are outraged because he brought California prices to Alabama and is now asking for the reimbursement of a home that cost $2.1 million.

Hour 2:

Father James McQuarters calls in and scares Phil with his Halloween stories, but after all that he blesses Phil for his upcoming T.V. show. The T.V. show's name has been changed to "Teachers" and will air on NBC. Phil plays a flashback called "Dirty Panties" off of the Best of 2003 C.D. Phil mentions he wants to put on 20-30 pounds for the T.V. show and Dr. Vick Needman calls in. He agrees that Phil should put on the weight, but he also says that Phil will need discipline to put on the weight. Bob Bakian who is live over Hollywood, says Porky Pig has died due to emphysema..he retracts it and says he meant to say Gordon Lee of the Little Rascals. Rudy Canosa is on with Phil to tell him why he does not have to pay for lap dances. Mavis Leonard tells Phil that hockey is racist. The puck is always black.

Hour 3:

Bob Greene is on because he wants to join with I-Pod so he can download porn....this way he can watch it in his car.Women call in mad because they believe Bob has no experience with women.


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