Wednesday, July 27, 2005

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Hour One:

Brad Rifkin's Hollywood Party Experience company sent a Natalie Holloway impersonator to a little girls bats mitzvah.

Hour Two:

Tom calls Phil to say he is upset Phil played a lousy sounding high school band in one of his bits since he is pretty sure he heard his daughters "crappy horn playing"....Phil announces tomorrow (today) is the day for his blog debut....Phil talks about phallic symbols in the average kitchen 10,000 years ago....Chevrons Classics presents the same bad sounding high school band only this time with cheering sound effects and some dumb host named Jim Dungfree....David G. Hall calls to tell Phil not to get his hopes up about a one man show since everyone is focusing on Dr. Laura's upcoming one-woman.....Phil talks about how Sean Hannity "would be nothing without Wall-Eyes...I mean, Alan Colmes..."...Herb Sewell, bass fishing near Bishop, calls to tell everyone about his hosting the web cast....

Hour Three:

Dean Wheeler, running for office in the San Francisco Bay area tells Phil his "Kick-Off-The-Campaign" barbecue needs some blacks folks in attendance to show "those rumors about me not liking black people" aren't true........


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