Wednesday, June 8, 2005

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Hour One:

Margaret Grey explains that Fathers Day was actually created for two reasons: 1) to let children honor their fathers and 2) to let wives apologize to husbands that they badgered into fathering children for them.....

Hour Two:

Phil talks about home improvement disasters....David G. Hall hears Phil refer to the concrete slab on his house and busts him for saying "slab.".....A caller is stuck at Yellowstone National Park due to a landslide and is now considering sex with his sister......The Reverend Jim Jeffcoat calls Rosie and Hannity going on the View together "an abomination."......Coast to Coast w/Art Bell begins with Art talking about a volcano in Mexico erupting and spewing lava. David G. Hall calls Art and asks him why he's talking about "erupting" and "spewing.".......The caller from Yellowstone is back on, this time asking for the Santa Barbara D.A.'s number. Apparently while looking at Old Faithful he claims he had a flashback of Michael Jackson molesting him.....

Hour Three:

Phil tells some World War Two story to illustrate how he feels when someone is driving like a turd in the fast lane....Mike Yanitsky, Bee Exterminator tracks a bee through an infested house......Phil talks about Tyson/McBride this weekend....Harvey Weirman and Jeff Dowder attempt to answer questions about the recent pod cast screw-ups......


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