Tuesday, November 9, 2004

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Tuesday, November 9, 2004

HR 1 – Little Logan calls in to talk about his grandpa in regards to the date because today is 11/9.  Phil talks about the sales of Halo 2. Gary Snails Computer Show. Phil takes some calls about video games. Phil gets a call from David G. Hall and gets angry for him talking to a caller about warm and fuzzies instead of being funny. FLASHBACK: Austin Amarka talks about his unruly pitbulls. Skippy and Frank join us from their new gig.
HR 2 – Dean Wheeler, a psychologist in the Bay Area, discusses how to deal with Bush being elected president. Callers protest. COMEDY GOLD: Robert Greene, the CEO of Fraiser Foods is being charged with creating a hostile work environment.
HR 3 – Walter David Maynard has been arrested for felony murder and is speaking to us today about the book he wrote on pet care.  Political rant.


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