Margaret Grey sang a version of a song she first heard at the Chinese amabassadors residence in Washington, a song of longing for Taiwan's return to mainland China's control. Problem was she didn't know the lyrics and hummed 90 percent of it...
Tonight Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police warns Phil and Margaret about Chinese spies listening in to the show as Margaret sings. "You got guys all over the country in dark suits, white dress shirts, bucked teeth and horn-rimmed glasses nodding approvingly," Steve says like an imbecile. When Phil tells him he's engaging in a racist stereotype that actually is more directed at the Japanese, Steve is stunned into silence...
Frank Grey talked about his days as an entertainment lawyer and manager and how he felt about the Harry Potter films. "Harry Potter was a cheap piece of you know what. I hated her." Same goes now for "The Hobbit." "I hate the Hobbit's guts. She's the cheapest creep going..."