Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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Phil, Margaret, Bud and Robert bring on Harvey Wireman who has a gig reading a book on tape. He's narrating "David Mambo's new one." (He means David Mamet) Ted Bell also joins the show to see if Harvey is good enough to read a book in person at Ted's of Beverly Hills. He has Harvey read from the menu, Lloyd Bonafide also joins the so-called discussion.

Later Vernon Dozier comes on to talk about the ending of the NFL referee strike. During his rant he grows agitated with the beer he's drinking and tells his wife Amber to "get some Miller High-Life in this funky joint!" He hangs up on Phil when Phil starts lecturing him on another bit of Vernon behavior. It seems Vernon sling-shot a "dog turd" into a guys mouth who had flown onto the football field during a game wearing a jet-pack. "I don't like people playing God," said Vernon

Margaret sang "I Don't Know" by Ozzy but then punched Bud to the ground and kicked him repeatedly in the ribs after he told her to "sing it better." Margaret then told Robert to drag Bud outside and "throw some water on him."


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