Curt Queedy and Guy Barton of the West Virginia State Senate talked about the debt ceiling, what a "koo-kooback" was (a kickback is crazy so the boys call it a 'koo-kooback'), a "goo-gooback" (a kickback is also childish hence 'goo-gooback') how a woman named "Mrs Fonebone" went into the ringtone business and started "Mrs. Fonebone's Ringtones" and why a deputy sheriff who is the son of Charlestons chief of police belongs in a nut house.
Later it was Bob Green, live from "Buena Park Billiards" weighing in on the Netflix price hike. Bob told Phil that while the price was raised the Netflix customer will pay it and stay loyal because "that's what they were told to do, just like I tell my customers: 'You see this baby food. You'll buy it and you'll eat it....even if it's made out of baby because I told you to.'"