Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Tonight Austin Amarca, who does kitchen cabinet work and is a lifelong Republican, told Phil that while he was happy to see Obamacare called unconsititutional by a Florida federal judge he felt it hypocritical to appalud an "activist judge legislating from the bench" when as a conservative he doesn't like it when they decide something for liberals. He told Phil he was going to come out against this judge and not be a hypocrite. He said he would feel "cheap and dirty" if he didn't.

Next up Don Berman, channel 19 newsman, checked in from Cairo, where he had spent the last 48 hours being abused and assaulted by Egyptians and yet no one was reporting on that, only what Anderson Cooper was going through. Don said everytime he saw Cooper, he was sitting in the sauna wearing no towel, holding an unlit cigar and "holding forth for all his male interns about all the places he's been and the people he's seen." Don on the other hand had to put up with no laundry service after four, no on-demand movies, having to eat oriental pastries and drink turkish coffee. "I wore the same suit for 2 days. It stunk. It stunk when I put it on in LA."


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