Friday, January 21, 2011

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In our first hour, Don Micksa of the University of Washington tells us he came up with "Kick a Kristian" day after reading about "Kick a Jew" days at high schools around the country. The idea was to openly mock believers "since Jews are atheists." Don was discussing it with some students when he spotted a female student wearing a Christian cross around her neck. He said he walked up behind her and "kicked her in the butt right between the butt cheeks." Since Don was wearing sandals he feels the kick was very gentle although it was, in his words, "the closest thing to getting a handful you could could imagine even though you can't get a handful per se with your foot"

Next up was Steve Bosell of Corona, Ca. complaining that MTV is liable in getting him to want to have sex with a 15 year old since they put the show "Skins" on featuring sexual activity and nudity among teens. Steve said that he realized that what he was watching was a show about teens, not adults. He also realized that he was interested in seeing whether or not the teens on the show were "available" against his own better judgement. Mr. Bosell concluded by describing an episode where a teen named Tony "is standing with his back to the camera and his pants are pulled down and he's taken Viagra so naturally you wondering all about it".


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