Monday, January 17, 2011

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Tonight Bob Green from Frazier Foods informed Phil and his audience that after first telling his employees they could take Martin Luther King Day off he realized we now have a black president and a big part of why we celebrate Kings birthday has been realized. Therefore, he sent eveyone an e-mail telling them to report to work Monday as originally scheduled. Anyone showing up after twelve noon was fired. Bob said that if these employees, most of whom were women, weren't playing Sims or on Twitter they would have seen the e-mail he sent and arrived on time.

The next hour we had Dean Wheeler from the Northern California Holistic Center saying that now is the best time to talk gun control since the country has had its eyes opened with the Arizona tragedy. Dean said his airtight argument in favor of gun control is the fact that the gunmen in Tucson was taken down not by another gunman...but by a little old lady with a purse.


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