It was a two hour Raj Feneen extravaganza as Raj and his Arabic-speaking son Todd talked with Phil about the proposed mosque at Ground Zero, New York. Raj told Phil that the new mosque was needed because while most immigrants coming to America enjoy seeing the Statue of Liberty, Muslims don't really like the view because Liberty is a female with no veil and an exposed arm. "You might as well have a dog holding a torch for all it means to me," says Raj. Predictably the audience reacts negatively as the "dog" theme continues. While arguing with one woman, Raj stops down to ask Phil "Do I have to keep arguing with this woman. It's as if you are forcing me to argue with a dog." In the background, Raj's son Todd is barking and whistling the Lassie theme.
By the second hour, Raj has changed gears and switches stories. Now he says he's in favor of a new mosque near Ground Zero because of the "foot traffic" that is there, making it the perfect spot for a food court inside the mosque. Raj talks about "making a beautiful dollar" with a KFC and a Burger King. Raj tells Phil that he is in fact the owner of a fast food franchise and then offers a 9/11 first responder who calls in "dibs on a Checkers franchise."