You have to be an All Access BSP member to be eligible! Watch the PhilTV pre-show starting at 8:30am PDT Monday for a chance to win. No All Access BSP? No sweat. Sign up now! A week of free iPads from the show that has singlehandey lifted the podcast as we know it out of Cheapville
Month: April 2014
Show Log For Thursday April 17, 2014
General Shaw revealed his roots as a kid in some old-time religion church
The show started with an overall discussion of apps and what a waste of money Phil thinks they still are for his show…Next came a ridiculous discussion of horror movies and their dfference from science fiction. Margaret told everyone she used to do looping in cheap sci-fi’s by singing “in a spooky way.” She went on to talk about the former producer Julia Phillips who she had run into in Malibu while Margaret had “stopped off to buy a bag of Corn Nuts.” They then took a call from Frank who talked about Steven Spielberg and “how she tried to rape me on the back end.” The panel discussed a former member of Wu Tang Clan (or the “Wu Tang Klang, as Bud called them) who cut off his own penis and then lept from the roof of an aprtment building in North Hollywood..General Shaw revealed that he lost his virginity at 11 “to old widow woman Williams who lived down the lane in Thicket, Iowa.” As a child he and his family belonged to the Kristalnacht Church of Iowa. Also Will Garbarini returned to discuss Flight 370…Don’t forget Monday is the day during our pre-show we begin giving away an iPad a day…but you have to be an All Access BSP so sign up, dog
An iPad a Day all next WEEK!
Starting Monday morning April 21, during the videocast pre-show between 8:30 and 9am, we’ll giveaway an iPad a Day to our All Access BSP’s. No, you’re not seeing things from too much “spinking.” We’ll giveaway one iPad a morning during the videocast pre-show to an All Access BSP. It’s the roll-up to our month of May Customer Appreciation
If you’re not an All Access BSP, nows the time to grab one and the chance to wiin an iPad…its all from The Only Show On The Web Giving Away Cool Shit….The Phil Hendrie Show!!
Show Log For Wednesday April 16, 2014
Asshole arrested for bomb hoax
The show commenced with Herb Sewell talking about a mental deficient busted for planting a fake bomb at the Boston Marathon memorial. Steve Bosell was summoned to his daughters school to answer for his comments at home at breakfast about a Dutch teenager that tweeted a bomb threat to American Airlines. Alsp Phil announced that beginning Monday we’d be giving away one iPad a Day on the All Access BSP Pre-Show….Will Garbarini, oceanographer, updated us on Flight 370. Also Mr. Garbarini is apparently not a doctor and did time for white slaving and drug dealing. So, he was pretty much bullshit…
Starting Next Week Customer Appreciation AND Customer Appreciation……
Starting Monday morning April 21, during the videocast pre-show between 8:30 and 9am, just like B&B Construction, we’ll keep coming at you….with an iPad a Day Giveaway to our All Access BSP’s. No, you’re not seeing things from too much “spinking.” We’ll giveaway one iPad a morning during the videocast pre-show to an All Access BSP. It’s Customer Appreciation AND Customer Appreciation..kind of a B&B of contests…
If you’re not an All Access BSP, nows the time to grab one and the chance to wiin an iPad…its all from The Cheapest Creeps On The Web…The Phil Hendrie Show!!
Show Log For Tuesday April 15, 2014
What Jay Santos recommends to the people of Ukraine if the Russians make their move
Well that was bullshit because neither Dr. Ron Tarner or this Will Garbarini ever showed up on the show for which Phil and the crew will pay dearly tomorrow morning…. Phil was rolling Ukrainian TV and doing voice-over which made for a pretty funny pre-show but only on the videocast. Later General Shaw began discussing the military situation there but it became apparent he was irritable and argumentative and it was then that he copped to the fact he’d taken a handful of dexedrine before coming on the show…Jay Santos of the CAP advised the citizens of the Ukraine to avoid contact with the military operation. Open the door if need be to the troops, turn your back, hold aloft a jar of lube and have your belt buckle loosened… Dr. Jim Sadler had a touch of the flu and so was bathing as he talked with Phil and the crew about e-cigartette restrictions, partially blaming it on Phil opening his yap about watching a friend “blowing reefer” in a restaurant…. Vernon Dozier had his usual meltdowm over guys needing their “MA-MA’s” this time over a report that young fathers can suffer from post-partum depression as well as mothers… The Bobbie Dooley Podcast featured another beating of Steve, at the hands of Gene Wiffner for stepping to Gene in a power play…
Oceanographer Will Garbarini and astronomer Dr. Ron Tarner guest with Phil this morning
Last nights Blood Moon
Chris Norton’s truly twisted pre-nup.. Episode 349 of the Classic Podcast.. Download it now!
Show Log For Monday April 14, 2014
Parrots are the only ones that understand “Polly want a cracker”
Phil had Larry Grover and Steve Bosell on to talk about the Ukraine and the explosive situation there while Steve also mentioned that he had gotten a new mynah bird and was taking it out “for a walk.” He was teaching it to say “Polly want a cracker” but Bud said that only parrots know how to say that. Larry Grover was giving Steve endless amounts of shit until Steve got him good by reminding him that his own mother calls him ‘missile dick.” Don Berman and Margaret discussed the George Polk Award being given to two reporters that broke the Edward Snowden NSA files. Berman said that he’s given his life to journalism and there he sits with a lap top on his knees at the garden equipment expo and meanwhile some guy ‘with a backpack on is being hailed as the next Nellie Bly.” Margaret described the over-modulated download of Fridays show as “someone taking a dump into the RSS feed and labeling it ‘The Phil Hendrie Show.'”
Listen tomorrow live and mobile on Tune In or here on our Listen Live link
Steve Dooley, a participant last year in Dean Wheeler’s Man Camp…. now accepting applicants for summer ’14