This time Jay Santos comes on the show to discuss the safety of travel during the extreme weather both coasts have experienced. But he eventually gets around to demonstrating another dance….this one the “Twine” from Alvin Cash and the Crawlers “Twine Time.” Ted Bell loses a hundred grand in the bit-coin craze and hasn’t got it in him to celebrate his wife’s birthday. He winds up being a huge bummer to all concerned….Phil explains to David G. Hall why the show is leaving the radio platform
Month: March 2014
Listen Live streaming now….Listen to our pre-show now!
We regret that recent weather in Southern California caused a power surge that…..
……knocked our videocast capability ‘off air’ till Monday night. It also made it impossible for us to archive last nights videocast. You can still however enjoy the show live and free on our Listen Live stream here and our Tune In channel
We regret technical issues with the video portion of our broadcast…..
……as they extended into our inability to archive lady nights show. The PhilTV portion of our show will not be available again until Monday night. But please enjoy our free Listen Live streaming here and our Tune In channel beginning at 7pm PST