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Show Log for Wednesday March 19, 2014

     Yoga instructor Bakhtivedanta preparing to leave on the SS Youtoo bound for Calcutta

Russia and the Ukraine were up for discussion on the show but not before the crew talked about how amazing it was that Margarets farts smelled like Old Spice. Larry Grover started to discuss the Ukraine/Crimea situation and then his mother Gloria got on the extension and the whole thing went to hell with Larry explaining, yet again, that he wasn’t circumcisied and therefore aquired the nickname “missile dick”…..from his own mother! Dean Wheeler was going to comment on Malaysia Air but was in the middle of a garden party for departing yoga teacher Bakhtivedanta who had “taken a job as a sea cook and was leaving presently for Calcutta on the next frieghter out of San Francisco harbor.” General Shaw got into a “vat” of cottage cheese and was talking with his mouth full for the entire show

Holy shit! You may not have a Backstage Pass, “second only to porn as the greatest single buy on the internet today” says Dave DeGouda of Sweet Breeze magazine. Thousands of hours of the greatest audio comedy ever created and more await with your BSP. Laughter makes it okay that you’ve got a body under the house. Well not really but it does for about a half hour.

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All Clear!

………At 12:44 am we had a power outage at our main broadcast/webcast/narrowcast complex… We of course hoped this would not extend to our broadcast time and it appears it will not… Look to this page for any updates closer to our air/fiber time of 9am….We won’t tweet and we won’t FB…. We will only update here… Thank you…..

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Show Log For Tuesday March 18, 2014

                                                  The Sklar Brothers

Phil launched into a rap about the pointless “tweet” as he discussed the helicopter crash in Seattle. He was also joined by Don Berman who inadvertantly mentioned tweeting about a news interns large breasts. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police gave an update on the hunt for the missing Malaysia Air jet and its part 2 of Bobbie Dooley’s interview of the Sklar Brothers!

Get all 10,000 hours of the Phil Hendrie Show archive by becoming a subscriber and a member of our BSP family! 

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Show Log For Monday March 17, 2014

Rare shot of Art Griego fucking around with his phone in flight while working as a commercial pilot

Phil introduces the show to a new time slot and talks with Margaret about how offensive Chris Pootay’s lead-in show, “Morning Becomes Putay,” was. Margaret took exception to Chris telling everyone that even though the word “Pootay” sounded like it was semen…it wasn’t. Bobbie Dooley’s interview with the Sklar Brothers kicked off. Also Art Griego joined the show to offer up his theory of “pilot stress” as the reason for the missing Malaysian flight. The pilot couldn’t take the yapping flight attendants so he flew off somewhere quiet, with no radar, and flew it right straight into the ocean..just like John Kennedy Jr. did… Art mentioned he had to put up with similar things when he flew. One flight attendant kept coming into the cockpit showing him her large breasts and he said “it was very distracting. And I was also trying to finish up an EA baseball game.”

Tomorrow part 2 of the Sklar Brothers with Bobbie Dooley and Phil tears the radio business a new ass because it’s fun and other talent likea to hear him do it.