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Show Log For Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tonight the legendary Ted Bell reprised his Saturday night/KFI performance talking to listeners about banning bake sales and how correct Michelle Obama is “standing between the children and parents that are firing cobblers and pie wedges at them.” When one woman called to say she was healthy at “5’5 and 140 pounds” Ted said he consulted with a structural engineer who was having dinner at Ted’s. The guy sketched out what the woman should look like. “It’s a perfect sphere, Phil.”

Then Don Micksa, the engineering professor from the University of Washington, joined the program to recount his calling John Boehner a “crying little bitch” in front of his class today. That earned him a one day suspension from teaching. He said he decided to leave a day early and with his fist pumping in the air and his braided pony-tail flapping in the breeze he led “2 or 3 or 4 hundred kids out toward faculty parking.” Later, Don wound up sniveling like a little girl too because Phil yelled at him.

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“Come and get some!”

amanda green

“Mr Bell compared a child walking to the bus or his mother’s car after school had ended and the child having to see sweets at the bake sale and therefore being forced to eat them compared to a grown man exposing himself naked under a coat for the child to see!!! What the hell kind of sponsor is that for KFI?”–A listener