I’d like to discuss some things….
I’d like to discuss some things….
Including Deean Wheeler in “Short Stack”, Vernon Dozier in “Little Girls”, Bob Green in “You Hear With The Ears, Not With The Eyes” and Bobbie Dooley’s timeless “Courtesy Flush.”
Yes…the original 2009 production of “A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol” on our network of affiliates as well as here by way of the videocast…..Unfortunately, because of elves that were at the time undergoing evaluation, counseling and, for some, methadone treatment, the videocast has been lost forever. (Mainly due to the fact that the show was done before our new site was up.) However, join us anyway for this heartwarming tale of, you know, Scrooge..
Scroogie—Bud Dickman
Bob Cratchit—Phil Hendrie
Phil–“I had my most embarrassing and disgusting meltdown yet at around 11:30pm PST on the videocast. Some people think these are some sort of put-on. I wish. They are examples of taking things far more seriously than they should be and heaping this angst and over-preoccupation with perfection on my crew, one of the best a guy could have.
I’m recommitting myself to not doing that again. I don’t care if people believe me or don’t believe me. But see for yourself what an asshole I can be. One more thing. At least I admit it unlike the billions of assholes swarming this earth who think they’re doing fine.”
Yes, you heard right…true an offer like this comes along..what?…once in the life span of a universe but you’ve captured lightening in a bottle, my friend…So go now and do as you must. Order all of them BUT get that Best Of Phil Hendrie 2000 “#1 Rated” autographed!*
**Yes, autographed by Phil Hendrie (douchebag disclaimer)
Tonight Don Berman from Channel 19 news says that the guy who ripped off Toys For Tots in New England was really a Robin Hood and he explains why. Then Robert Green of Frazier Foods tells us why what he’s doing under the mistletoe has his emplyees uncomfortable!
“….from millions of miles beyond your planet…”