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When Neil was Here….

…the world was a pretty fucking good place…now there’s no one

Radio Host Neil Rogers Dies

December 24, 2010 12:36 PM

Neil Rogers

From cbs4kephart

MIAMI (CBS4) – Longtime South Florida radio host Neil Rogers died Friday morning at 9:45 a.m. at the age of 68, according to his attorney Norman Kent. Rogers had been suffering from several health ailments recently including progressive vascular dementia.

The talk show host spent more than three decades on South Florida airwaves, starting at WJNO in Palm Beach. He has also been on WKAT, WNWS, WINZ, WIOD. He was most recently on AM 560 WQAM, before he retired in 2009.

Rogers suffered a stroke and heart attack in October and his condition had declined since Thanksgiving. He underwent surgery earlier this month at Westside Regional Hospital to clear arterial blockages. The surgery was high-risk because of other underlying conditions which included diabetes.

Kent said in mid-December that Neil was suffering from Sundowners Syndrome, in which people suffer from an uncomfortable sleep and mood disorder which causes them to experience periods of extreme agitation and confusion during the late afternoon or early evening hours, leading to irritability towards even caregivers or hospital staff.

Kent said earlier in December, “As you remember him, recall what he used to say- “It’s only a radio show”. Hopefully, in those hours on the air he taught all of us to press on in our daily lives with an abiding sense of wit and humor.”

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Neil Rogers Is Gone

9 minutes ago

Miami’s one-of-a-kind talk personality Neil Rogers dies at 68

Neil Rogers His friend and attorney Norman Kent announces that Rogers died this morning (12/24) at the Vitas Hospice in Broward County. Rogers was the subject of a recent online vigil, after suffering a series of heart-related setbacks and then a kind of dementia. The Miami Herald says the final cause of death was congestive heart failure. Roger, born Nelson Roger Behelfer, not only talked about current events, he specialized in talking about the local media scene, which made his midday talkshow a must-listen for local broadcasters and other media. He first came to the Miami market in 1976 at WKAT (1360) and went in to WNWS, WINZ, “Zeta” WZTA, WIOD and eventually Beasley’s WQAM (560). Rogers making a reported $1 million a year until he took a buyout from Beasley in mid-2009. By then, he was the only non-sports program on WQAM. The Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Board of is talking about the legacy of the sometimes irascible talk talent, Neil Rogers, here.
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Show Log For Thursday December 23, 2010

Tonight David G. Hall guested and railed against a man who won a million dollars in a McDonald’s contest. “I have way more dignity than that. If anyone offered me a million dollars I’d hock on the check, fold it in half and stick in the guys shirt pocket. I’m not here to give McDonalds their jollies, winning a contest and having my picture taken with a guy in an orange wig.”

Jay Santos joined us second hour. Jay feels that people uinloading Christmas presents from their cars and taking them to their homes pose a risk. What’s in the packages? Are they really presents….or do they contain the makings for an at-home bomb factory. Jay and his CAP sub-commanders try a variety of things to get people to drop their packages. Tossing a rubber black widow spider onto the package is one way. They also use those fake rubber vomit puddles to try and gross people out.

In our third and final hour we replay “A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol” from 2009 starring Bud Dickman as Ebeneezer Dickman

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A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol Tonight-Recorded Live 2009

Davve Oliva.–Nephew Fred..
Bud Dickman–Ebeneezer Dickman
Phil Hendrie–Bob Cratchit
Mrgaret Grey–Mrs. Cratchit
RC Collins–Tiny Tim
Robert Leonard–Jacob Marley
Herb Sewell-Man collecting for the poor
Rudy Canosa-Man collecting for the poor
Bobbie Dooley-Ghost Of Christmas Past
Gerald Fischer–Fezziwig
Margaret Grey-=-Little Cindy
Ted Bell–Ted Bell, the Ghost of Christmas Present
Pastor Rennick–Man on the street
Prof Clayton–Man on the street
Vernon Dozier–The Ghost of Christmas Future
Justin McElroy–Kid in the street
Bobbie Dooley–UCLA Medical Center operator

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Show Log For Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In our first hour we had on the inimitable Jeff Dowder who talked about how he and other educators and business travelers” were going to campaign to eliminate all forms of security at airports because they “deprive us of our Constitution.” The time has come, Mr. Dowder said, to open ourselves up to terrorist attack for the potential evidence it might yeild and not to continue to violate our personal freedoms. After all, said Jeff, it’s about “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death,” something he said he came up with.

Herb Sewell was our guest in the following hour. The “pass-out” or “hangman” game being played by young, adolescent boys in which the individual, using a variety of methods, tries to constrict blood flow to the brain briefly thus producing a “high” or altered state of consciousness. Herb was incarcerated at a hospital for the criminally insane following his conviction for child molestation so this sick ass proceeded to explain to Phil and his listeners that adults might as well tell kids how to do it “properly” because they’ll do it anyway. In fact Herb learned how to do it himself and believes that it can transport him to the “Cavity of Creation.”