Long Live Big Brother
Long Live Big Brother
Tonight Jay Santos and Dave Oliva engaged in an on-air debate about what should be done to offset the loss of police services in the face of budget cuts for many cities. Mr. Oliva, an aspiring police officer, believes we should reduce the number of hours spent training police on how to “make scumbags more comfortable in the patrol car” and spend more money on billy sticks and tasers. Jay Santos believes he and his “auxiliary police” are the answer, deftly manuvering their way around the U.S. Consitution with their “three-step takedown and “dancing past a person in the doorway” to gain access to their home. The following hour it was the return of Reverand Dave Castorini’s Youth Ministry. The Reverand had $20,000 stolen from his church accounts by a young church assistant and fouind himself without the funds for a promised trip to Minnesota to open another youth church. He decided to sculpt a piece of art that he was sure would get paying customers to cough up enough money to make up for the shortfall: A blasphemous piece on The Virgin Mary. While Reverand Castorini says he is sorry and he’ll never do it again, he also says he does still get “walk up business to see the sculpture.”
Kanatha Grisvard
RC Collins from Bradley Military Academy warns that the man who saved little Elisa Cardenas from a rapist/kidnapper may have “dropped the DA’s case down a hole” by cutting the man off and stopping him. While RC says the man did a great thing, if they find he violated the kidnappers rights they may have to “put the little girl back in the guys truck and do the whole thing over again.” Later it was Bobbie and Steve Dooley in a bizarre hour about formal hgh school dances
Dance the night away
and appropriate dresses for girls. Bobbie says that any girl wearing any dress that even hints at the possibility of a girls body being different from a boy’s is provoking the boy’s hormones. “Okay, your daughter can wear what she wants but we’ll need bowls of condoms throughout the gym.”
Leave something in a place you are sure you will find it, a place that seems logical at that moment. And then watch it all turn mysterious as you spend thirty minutes searching for it till you want to cry. Good luck!
amanda green
Since we finished converting the 2004 archives into downloadable format last week, Alex moved onto 2003 this week. The Dec. 2003 archives have been converted, uploaded, and are now available for download! Cheers!Kanatha Grisvard
David G. Hall joins Phil for a discussion of 911 calls and who should be allowed to call for things such as cold McDonald’s breakfasts or no running hot water. David proposes that he and other executives responsible for the jobs of thousands be able to gety a cop via 911 to McDonalds or Jack In The Box. “If my breakfast is ice cold and my blood sugar is rock bottom as a result, I fire people..hundreds of them.” During the interview David was bathing. “I think it’s reasonable to train firefighters not only for putting out fires but fixing water heaters and turning on water mains.” Then Art Griego was on to comment on Chesley Sullenberger and the forthcoming movie about his remarkable water-landing in 2009 of a US Airways jet with 155 people on board. “It was very good and certainly makes for great reading in book-form. But now he gets a movie deal and talks to Harrison Ford. It’s not that big of a deal.” Why? “I could have done it. I’ve just avoided flying into flocks of geese jy whole career. Excuse me. Re-do. Let me fly into some birds so I can get a movie.”
…..I’m still paying for it…and paying dearly almost 24 hours later…..Oh-Em-Gee