Amanda Green
Kanatha Grisvard
Amanda Green
Kanatha Grisvard
Larry Grover from Conservatives of Kern County joined us for a discussion of Brett Favre and the controversy surrounding him allegedly texting a picture of his penis to a young female reporter. Larry told Phil and his audience that texting pictures of penises is something everyman does and is expected to do by every woman. If you’ve shared a ride to work or a lunch or a few family photos with a man you’ve basically given him the high sign to send you a picture of his thing. Next up was Margaret Grey from the Dicklin Syndicate discussing Courtney Cox and David Arquette’s seperation after 11 years of marriage. Since Cox is 7 years older than Arquette Margaret says they should be proud of the fact they lasted as long as they did. “After a few years a young man simply sees an old lady he has to hold up in traffic.”
November 26, 2001 “Golf Courtesy Of The Marines.” –Herb Sewell joins the show to talk about the need for the upgrading of Afghanistan. Afterall, golfers pay at a high tax rate
December 28, 2001–“Cyber Sex” –Steve Bosell is having the “best sex he ever had.” It’s cyber sex with a “woman” named “Bonemaster” til he finds out that wasn’t a woman at all…it was his neighbor Roy Hutchins.
June 24, 2005 “Get A Pair, Eat It Rare” –Ted Bell of Ted’s of Beverly Hills feels that anyone ordering their steak “medium to medium well” is gutless and more worried about mad cow disease than our men and women in harms way in Iraq. Get a pair, says Ted, and eat your steak rare.
June 24, 2005-“Mes’sican Scramble”–Chris Norton, a young pharmaceutical rep from Hermosa Beach, tells Phil that he and his friends are all “hot-looking, young professionals” who want to keep their beach for “hot-looking people only.” It’s tough, he says, “having a Mes-sican scramble and seeing some beast come down the bike path.”
November 15, 2005–“Unloaded Gun”–Lloyd Bonafide is on because once again he has got himself in trouble. He let his grandkids play with unloaded guns. A neighbor walked by and the kids pointed them at her and she fainted. Callers are furious that Lloyd would do such a thing, they believe the kids were way too young.Nouveau Tango-Accoustic Alchemy, Living in the USA-Steve Miller Band, Anything Anything-Dramarama, Moonlight Drive-The Doors, I’m Your Pusher-Ice T, Shae Your Money Maker-Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Nutshell-Alice In Chains, Killer Joe-Quincy Jones
Dean Wheeler of the Northern California Holistic Center kicked off the show tonight praising the One Nation Rally last week as far better attended than the Glenn Beck rally and showing that the American people support President Obama. Phil and the callers debated with Dean on the numbers but he said One Nation was bigger because half the people at the Beck rally were there for free T-shirts and coffee mugs. Dean claims someone saw Beck signing a womans ass with a felt tip pen. Next up was Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, commenting on a list of Halloween movies for children. While most seemed okay (a list from the website www.parentdish.com) there was one that was out of place, “E.T.” Doug says he told a woman from an Orange County parent-media group that E.T. was a science fiction, not a horror movie and she said “Thank you. Are there any other questions.” That was it for Doug. “She might as well have said ‘thanks queer but I’m not interested.'”
…all week long dealing with food poison. You think it would help eating a salad? Maybe….
As I said over on Twitter, I like Buffalo Bill by 7 over Buffalo Bob (It was much funnier on Twitter) the Cleveland Bears by, I guess, 7 over the Miami Bills, the Dallas, Texas team by 7 over the Houston Rockets, the New York Bills by 7 over the San Francisco Chargers who will lose by 4. Til next week, this is Joe Dickhead saying “Don’t pee down my back and tell me it’s raining.”
Margaret Grey, nationally syndicated columnist for the Dicklin Syndicate, joined Phil to discuss Elliot Spitzer and his new news show on CNN. Mr. Spitzer is a “martyr” according to Ms Grey, a martyr to “the cause of getting prostitution legalized.” When he was busted or otherwise found out buying hookers he was practicing “civil disobediance no different from Martin Luther King or Pro-Life people blockading clinics.” Margaret wrote what she calls an impassioned defense of the Spitzer show but instead, according to her, “the media chose to quote the whore who gladly took his money then mocked his prowess in bed.” Next up, Pastor William Rennick of Joyful Union Congregation discussed with Phil the Brett Favre case, a pro football player and married man alleged to have sent nude photos of himself to a female reporter and called her asking for a date. Pastor Rennick references Tiger Woods and says “you know full well if that penis were big and black, Katy bar the door. When I see Brett Favres’ penis on Wolf Blitzer or Bll O’Reilly then I’ll believe they’re prepared to do something about this guy sending dirty pictures through the US mails.”” said the Pastor (Note: The pictures were texted)
A picture of Secretariat