The Phil Hendrie Show Tonight…9pm PDT for the uncensored Pre-Show!!
The Phil Hendrie Show Tonight…9pm PDT for the uncensored Pre-Show!!
What does Phil have to say to a friend who decides he’s ready for a national show? He doesn’t sugar-coat it that’s for sure. Watch for Phil’s Uncensored Pre-Show rant, “Advice For A Friend” under, what else? Uncensored Pre-Show, left hand column……..
Vernon Dozier, varsity football coach and social sciences teacher at Belmar Academy discussed with Phil his showing a video tape of a tased teenager to members of his social sciences class. Mr. Dozier said he pointed out to the kids that the teenager in the video had been walking down the street naked and was told to stop by police. “No dirty punk is going to be walking down the street in front of my daughter without getting tased.” Dozier put the tasing video into a loop to show the kid getting it over and over. The students laughed but Dozier also told his students that he showed them the video as a warning: If they act out that’s what they get. Bobbie and Steve Dooley joined Phil from the Western Estates Homeowners Association. Bobbie told Phil she had to penalize one of the homeowners there, Karen Walton-Turnbull, 10 percent of her HOA dues because she hosted people at her home to watch the Chilean mine rescue when they should have been at Bobbie’s house. “We ordered the Mexican buffet from Bristol Farm.” Ms Dooley said she believes she is the “moral, informational and emotional center of the community” and if anyone’s going to “host people watching Chile” it should be her.
I don’t
On panel at the Talk Media Conference this weekend in Marina Del Rey
Saturday morning 11 am to 12:15pm
Attorney Michael McNeesh of the the American Association of Attorneys for Innocence (AAAI) came on the program tonight to discuss the need for people saved from wrongful incareceration by an attorney to stay in touch with that person and regularly thank them. What lawyers do for people they spring from prison is basically give them their lives back so a thank you note every six months written on personalized stationary isn’t out of the question. Mr. McNeesh was upset with one former client who went on The View but refused to wear a bowling shirt he sent him with AAAI’s website embroidered across the front. Our next hour featured Reverand David Castorini from Castorini Ministries. David was able to get his ministry back last year after admitting to a sexual relationship with a church member by telling the board that while he sinned against God with a woman, Ted Haggard* sinned against God “with a dude while popping amyl nitrate capsules in each others noses and snorting crank off a battle axe. Not to mention they were probably listening to Foxy.”
(*Phil went the whole hour calling him ‘Ted Haggardy’)
…and if you want direct e-mail access to Phil just sign-up for a BSP…….