Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania sometime in the late fourties, Margaret Grey migrated west in the mid-sixties to California. Her plans included an acting career, an immersion in the Hollyood culture and marriage to someone connected, monied and fun. Margaret achived all three, working the birth of a son into the mix. In the late sixties, after appearing for a season on the forgettable “Chop House”she claims she auditioned for and lost the part of ‘Audra’ on “the Big Valley” to Linda Evans, whom she says “sucked up…and I do mean sucked.” Margaret partied what was left of the sixties away, meeting important people and making important friends before meeting Frank Grey, a real estate speculator and sometime TV and film producer. Going to work as Frank’s executive assistant, Margaret recalls, much of her time was spent playing games of leap frog with Frank after hours…she sans panties. Marriage to Frank followed soon after and in the years to come Margaret found she had the liesure time to pursue a new career in writing and the hob-nob of high society. albeit in Margaret’s hands hob-nob became a bizarre series of events like doing Broadway show steps at parties, singing new lyrics to a song she claimed she wrote, “In The Ghetto” and slapping her son Jason Jay Delmonico involuntarily after wincing through a Dakota Fanning performance. Margaret in recent years has spent more and more time caring for her husband Frank who as the result of a syphilitic condition, is “gender confused” referring to men with the female pronoun and women with the male. And she writes her nationally syndicated column “A Little Bird Told Me” for the Dicklin Syndicate, owned by her “dear friend” Contessa Dicklin. Career highlights include getting a gun into the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake because of her fear of rape by a Greek and butting in line ahead of a group of blind children so she could ride up front on the 6 flags roller-coaster Colossus.
Month: June 2010
Phil Recommends…….

Lee and Ricks, Orlando, Florida, seafood, St. Elmo’s Steak House, Indianapolis, Indiana, steaks, The Landing, Westlake Village, California, sushi,
and Tops Burgers, Pasadena, California, burgers, patty melts..
Last night, I ate an oyster that tasted like….

….what I imagine shit to taste like. Now, I’m an oyster fan from way back. Anyone that knows about Lee and Rick’s in Orlando, especially back in the day knows what I’m talking about. Buckets of oysters, steamed or not, beer, cocktail sauce, butter. You could plow through a few dozen buckets with help in a jiffy. And I am thrilled to know they are still in business.
But last night, I was no where near Lee and Ricks. I was in California, miles and years from those great days. I had a dozen oysters on ice, nothing special, but I thought what the hell. They were okay, kinda scrawny but then I get to oyster number four.
Bad Oyster Cult
Rotten. Almost swallowed it. I can still taste it. Okay….you may now start making your jokes….
Show Log for Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday night we had Steve Bosell, a construction contractor from Corona, Ca., who is suing his church, Corona Christ, for ordering him not to continue showing a YouTube video he made with his kids. In it, he pretends he’s throwing a puppy off a cliff to “satirize” the marines that did the same thing in Iraq. When he showed the clip as part of a comedy act he does for his church festival, no one laughed and his pastor told him not to come back ‘for the dinner show.” Steve is suing for damages because “them not laughing makes it look like Christians can’t have any fun.” Later, Bud and Robert perform in another episode of “Ironswine.” In this one, Bud, as Ironswine, pretends to be a Jew in Holland to try and trap anti-semitic people. He stands around singing “If I Were A Rich Man” until he gets hassled by Robert, playing an anti-semitic Dutchman, and arrests the culprit….In the final hour, Margaret popped on to say that a woman arrested in Salt Lake for plastering fliers depicting a 13 year old girl in a local school as having had bestial sex did a bad thing but lets put this in context. What if the woman was trying to ward off this kid and her mother from “tag-teaming her son.” Margaret claimed it happened to her when a 13 year old and her mom were hitting on Jason Jay Delmonico
Tonight’s Show Material
25-10 stories and audio
TV Ratings: ‘Rookie Blue’ and ‘Boston Med’ give ABC lead in key demographic
Police Tazer Disabled Grandmother after Taking ‘Aggressive Posture in her Bed’ but is it the Whole Story?
*Baby with Bong Picture Sparks Outrage; Mother Investigated, Say Reports
Reserve officer fired after putting bag over prisoner’s head
*Apple tells iPhone 4 owners to use a proper grip to avoid signal strength interruption
*New anti-rape female condom, Rape-axe, debuts
*Rep. Kanjorski race remark sparks flap
Immigrant farm workers’ challenge: Take our jobs
Tori Spelling: ‘Farrah Fawcett Contacted Me After Death’
Charlotte NC named “America’s Manliest City”
French ‘Hannibal Lecter’ Sentenced for Eating Cellmate
Neighbor calls alleged actions of thong-wearing man who bends over in front of children, adults ‘harassment’
Woman puts teen’s face on bestiality photo, shares flier at school
*Al Gore ‘abuse’ masseuse eyes $1M to talk; claims to have stained pants with Gore’s DNA
*Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network investigating possible foul play in online ‘Your OWN Show’ competition; some claim network sabotaging chances of man with cerebral palsy
*How financial overhaul affects your everyday life
*Michael Jackson anniversary of death: A tribute from fans, a lawsuit from dad
Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip clubs and pornography
Philadelphia magazine editor out after series of inappropriate behavior with staffers; game framed photo of cyst removed from testicles to a staffer
*Neil Cavuto Gets Called An AssHole Live During Debate Over Stimulus Package
Amputee cat gets bionic legs
BP says Gulf relief well on target for mid-August
Porn sites closer to .xxx Web address
More American women not having children: report
Dutch may use ‘decoy Jews’ to fight racism
Follow the Phil Pheed This Weekend For Bio’s On All The Main Show Characters

The Phil Hendrie Show Celebrates it’s 20th Birthday, August 23, 2010
From the early days in Ventura as Raj Feneen, Bud Dickman and Margaret Grey came to life to the heady days in Miami with Steve Bosell, RC Collins and Harvey Weirman to the glamour days of Los Angeles and beyond, the Phil Hendrie Show has provided audiences with laughs and….well laughs and really not much else….The Phil Hendrie Show…it’s 20!
Uncensored pre-show at 9pm PDT
Right at the end of this street….
…is the Pacific Ocean. Know what I mean?