…and oh so very much more….Some gems tonight…11 years old and better than anything else your ass will hear tonight…How about that! Plus a bonus! Phil’s Videocast monologue..Phil disembowels the Radio Industry yet again….
…and oh so very much more….Some gems tonight…11 years old and better than anything else your ass will hear tonight…How about that! Plus a bonus! Phil’s Videocast monologue..Phil disembowels the Radio Industry yet again….
This would be the best $6000 you’d ever spend. These are pictures of a Swedish doll made of silicone.The texture of the skin is similar to 99.8% of the human skin. It will last two years if used constantly and consistently every day. Completely adjustable to any position you want.. There are 100 sensors spread around the body. There are 30 sensors on the private parts. Each sensor makes her move in a specific way, up to 20 positions. On penetration she emits a light gentle sound that echoes gently in your ears. Comes with inbuilt sound in the throat and recognizes up to 16 commands that are extremely personal up to two meters away from her ears.When there is any type of pulsation sensed in her private parts she emits light moans of stimulation.Above all that she gets wet with a slight touch over any of the sensors.Most important, she has a voice password which should be protected from disclosure.
Principal characteristics:
She has three entries (vaginal , anal, and oral)She can move her head in any direction you choose.
Completely customizable to your liking so you can
Choose the following:
Only $6,000.00
……beautiful little Camarillo, California…..
Vince Neil, he of Motley Crue, attempted to gain some news ink for himself and his band in the usual manner last night by getting arrested in Las Vegas on a drunken driving charge. The Mötley Crüe singer was being held-down….I mean, held at the Clark County jail pending a shower, some breakfast and a court appearance.
There are no further details at present but Neil wisely chose driving while inebriated because people will think “Oh, No, a relapse!” given the frontman’s 1984 drunk driving charge when he had an accident that killed his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley. While not killing anyone this time, it’s still the first significant play he’s had in the press since Jesus -knows-when. By the way, in the 1984 accident, Neil was subsequently sentenced to a mere 30 days in jail and he was segregated from the rest of the OC Jail population so it’s no wonder he’d decide to drink and drive again. In fact, the question is “What took him so long?” That’s if anyone with brains is asking it. Motley Crue fans won’t.
The timing of the incident is obvious for Neil given that both his new CD, and his forthcoming memoir, are titled Tattoos and Tequila. Neil also has his own tequila line, Tres Rios, and earlier this month opened the Vince Neil Tres Rios Cantina at the Las Vegas Hilton. Tres Rios is not Cabo Wabo but Vince Neil is not Sammy Hagar and Motley Crue is not Montrose and…well, you get it.
By the way, as expected and to add to the mystery, Vince Neil’s spokesperson was unavailable for comment.
Hi everybody, I’m Vic Prell with today’s Vic Prell Daily Virgo Horoscope that’ll help you know a liddlebidabowdyerself and help others know a liddlebidabowdyerself too because this can be a great day for you and the people you love especially knowing that today, Virgo, is a good day to take a few chances with money because you know Virgo taking chances with money is a good thing to do every now and then knowing that this world is a challenging place but it doesn’t have to be so long as you follow that inner voice and pay attention to the stars that can be your guide in times of uncertainty and financial stress because before you know it things begin to come your way in spiritual as well as material ways and you know that while the rest of the world is going to hell in a shiitter sure as the Lord made Green fucking Apples you don’t have to wait and rot with the rest of the losers out there when you can take a chance and in the process know a liddlebidabowdyerself and maybe get to know a liddlebidabowdyerself and make some fucking money too for the first time in your horseshit life and if you do I’d like to invite you to do something completely unique and send me a postcard or a post-it note or anything, maybe even some used toilet paper with chicken scratch on the back, thanking me for the good Virgo horoscope that you read and acted on because I rarely get anyone thanking me and its the least you could do so could you do that please with sugar on it and show me some God damned respect!
*Steve Bozell has been taken to task by G. Gordon Liddy (of Watergate fame)on his nationally syndicated radio show for being one of the most litigous characters in America.
Lawsuits etc.
“There are not enough Chinamen in the world to stop a fully armed Marine regiment from going where ever they want to go” – Lieutenant General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
Nothing says “frivolous, whining pussy” quite like Steve Bosell. Since moving to Corona, Califiornia with his wife April and two children, Steve Jr. and April Jr., Steve Bosell has garnered national, if not, international attention for the lawsuits he’s filed. Using the offices of Delores Blasingame, an attorney in Riverside, California, Mr. Bosell has sued his wife, his children, a friends pet mynah bird, the friend, his church, his employees, presidents, kings..it doesn’t much matter to Steve Bosell. He feels he has cause if anyone makes him “look like a fool.” Quick to tears, sometimes to the point he has to leave the room, run into the master bedroom of his house and bury his face in a pillow, Mr. Bosell has a small pond on his property where he often is during interviews, listening to the frogs and crickets and “getting my head together.” In fact, speaking of that, he sued the state of California after 911 saying that family law in the state didn’t allow for him to leave the country, move to Norway and collect himself after being frightend almost to death by the attacks. He once sued his next door neighbor, Roy Hutchins, for growinjg a zucchini so large it was “this John Holmes-lookin’ thing” that he then showed off to Steve’s wife and daughter. And of course there was the famous lawsuit against the San Bernadino Parks and Recreation Department because a dive stick got wedged “in my crack” when Steve was doing cannoballs with his son at a public pool. Steve said he was subjected to ridcule and humiliation when he got out of the pool and the stick was “hanging out of my butt. All I could do was walk as calm as I could and just pretend like everything was cool. But I knew that it wouldn’t be”
The Citizens Auxiliary Police was founded in 1996 by a Major Elvis Newton in Torrance, California. Newton, himself a shadowy figure with some past military association, is said to have handed down his idea for an aggressive civilian police auxiliary to Jay Santos, a neighbor, while sitting in a darkened living room, chain smoking Pall Malls. Organized loosely arouind the rank and leadership structure of The Federation of Planets, a ficticious entity from televisions ‘Star Trek’ series, the CAP says its mission is to “take a peek over the shoulder of the police.” They view themselves as being “on the front lines of law enforcement” though they take they’re only real authority from the legal concept of “citizens arrest.” They’re “official” uniform is a pith or safari helmet, a blue arm-band, bermuda shorts and wing-tips with knee socks. Among their various ranks are SubCommander, Brigadier Admiral (Jay’s rank which seems to be second in command for the entire CAP) and the leaders rank of Major, held by Elvis Newton who hasn’t been seen in public for many years. The CAP apparently has sister organizations throughout the United States. These include the Gator Brigade (Florida) The Beaver Battalion or Beave Battalion (Oregon) West Texas Range Riders (Texas) and the New York State Simulated Police (New York) For a listener’s idea of what Jay looks like, please see the caricature accompanying this article.
The owner/operator of Ted’s Of Beverly Hills is continually at odds with himself: Does he let kids who suffer from cancer sit in his Laker courtside seats thus risking being seen with little, bald freaks or does he just renege on his promise. Either way, Ted’s still an asshole. But an asshole we can appreciate because it’s all about the only thing thing Ted knows. PR. Ted believes…and who can argue….that anything in this world can be dealt with if you’ve got good enough spin. …..So, saying it’s embarrassing sitting next to a child who has lost hair due to chemo makes sense to Ted. Additionally, those of you familiar with recent shows know that Ted won’t be seen next to what he calls “rolly-polly” (since he won’t use the politically incorrect ‘fat’) kids. As Adam Carolla put it on a recent show, if TV adds ten pounds what do you figure a Jumbo-tron adds? And to a fat kid, no less?? Ted has an image to keep up. He’s….(pause, pause, pause)……Ted Bell…